Sunday, June 7, 2009

Andy's Suzuki Book 3 Piano Recital

June 6, 2009

Andy had his Suzuki Book #3 in a piano recital in our home today. He performed the entire book from memory. We call book #3 the sonatina book. He played one sonatina by Mozart, one by Kuhlau, and two by Clementi. He also played some short pieces by Beethoven and Schumann. Adam and Amanda also joined in the fun by performing violin and piano solos. Now we're on to bigger and better things in Book #4, the sonata book! Great job Andy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Andy's End of the Year Activities

June, 2009 Here are just a few pictures of Andy and his friends at some end-of-the-school-year activities. He had a 5th grade band concert and water olympics.

Amanda's Graduation!

June 5, 2009

Tonight was Amanda's graduation and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening! The weather was perfect, the stadium wasn't too crowded, and we found a great place to park. Grandma and Grandpa Denison drove all the way from Perry, Utah to join in the festivities. Our dearest friends, the Welsh's, also joined us. We are all so proud of Amanda and all that she has accomplished. p.s. Amanda is waving at us in the middle photo.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009: We attended Redwood High School's Senior Scholarship night. We were all excited and grateful to see Amanda be awarded 6 scholarships and one B of A academic excellence award for fine arts. This is definitely going to be a great help with her plans to attend UOP Music Conservatory in the fall. Way to go Amanda! One of the scholarships she received was from TKMEA (Tulare Kings Music Educators Assoc.) and she is pictured here performing jazz piano at one of their meetings.

The Annual CMEA Music Festival

Saturday, May 9, 2009: All 3 kids participated in the local CMEA music festival. Amanda performed Mozart's Alla Turca on the piano and received a "Superior" rating. Andy performed a Mozart sonatina on the piano and received an "Excellent" rating and, finally, Adam performed Vivaldi's A-minor violin concerto and receive a "Command Performance" rating. Bravo!